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Stay updated on the current progress of our application by reading our weekly devlogs!


Frontend for login and friends management

* Added a login page and logout button

* Added a page where users can select friends' published runs to run against

Animated Avatars and Virtual Opponents

* Virtual avatar faces the real world direction

* Modified virtual opponent to run smoothly in AR

* Customizable Avatar Menu and Bug Fixes

*Customization Menu completely reworked to mesh in with recorded runs

* Default skin button added to customization


New Mode: Free Run

*New feature which allows users to complete challenges to gain points while running on their own



Recorded Runs and Playback Changes

* Integration of uploading, publishing and playing back recorded runs into API

* AR Runner position fixes, placed in front of player.

* Bug fixes in relation to player veering off track, allows for more flexibility

Functionality/Design Choices

* Players able to record and upload their runs

* Selection of which run to choose to race against

* Points system for incentive

* Toggleable minimap between AR view and Map view

API research

* Flask in order to create a database and retain information

* Need to create C# API script in order for login, account creation, fetching friends/run, uploads




Initial Idea

* Interactive AR running game, that would allow people to run against themselves or friends

Functionality/Design Choices

* Players able to record and upload their runs

* Selection of which run to choose to race against

* Points system for incentive

* Toggleable minimap between AR view and Map view

API research

* Flask in order to create a database and retain information

* Need to create C# API script in order for login, account creation, fetching friends/run, uploads

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