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Devlog #3 - 4/10/23



* Frontend for login and friends management

* Added a login page and logout button

* Added a page where users can select friends' published runs to run against

Animated Avatars and Virtual Opponents

        * Virtual avatar faces the real world direction

        * Modified virtual opponent to run smoothly in AR

*New Mode: Free Run

*New feature which allows users to complete challenges to gain points while running on their own

Customizable Avatar Menu and Bug Fixes

*Customization Menu completely reworked to mesh in with recorded runs

        * Button fixes with customization menu

* Default skin button added to customization


Frontend for login and friends management

We added a login page that calls the login API. It is implemented as a piece of UI that covers the entire screen when the user opens the app. Upon successful verification of the username and password, the UI object is destroyed, revealing the rest of the app. The logout button clears the saved user state and instantiates the login UI.


We also added a friends button in the menu that calls the fetch friends and fetch runs API and opens up a page with a user's friends' runs. The user can then select a run to run against, upon which the selected run would load the same way a user's own run would load for them to run against.


Animated Avatars and Virtual Opponents

This week we integrated the animated avatar and opponent runner into our main program branch. A lot of time was spent tuning the AR opponent runner positioning algorithm to look as natural as possible. In previous weeks, the opponent appeared to jump back and forth as the player progressed along the path of the run. We use linear interpolation to smooth out the motion of the AR runner, making him appear much more realistic.


We found that the direction facing component used in A2 Go was jittery due to unreliable readings from the GPS. We use a new alignment script that takes into account the compass position of the user's mobile devices. The player's avatar in the map view now faces the same direction as the user in real life.


New Mode: Free Run

This week we have implemented a new mode for our application that utilizes augmented reality to its fullest potential. In Free Run mode users will be able to play through different challenges while completing their run to gain points that can be be spent on rewards. We will continue to work to bring more challenges that are fun and engaging.

We saw this mode as a tool to emphasize the AR capability in our app and to give a motivation to users in free run to continue running to gain rewards.


Customizable Avatar Menu and Bug Fixes

In this build of the project, the customization menu was completely reworked. In the previous build, the customization menu was implemented, and while it of course allowed people to adjust the textures on their avatar, it had some difficulty meshing with the rest of the app. The original customization menu involved opening a completely new scene, which would cause unintended deletions of unsaved runs. For this build, the customization menu was completely redone so that it remains in one scene, so that unsaved runs would not get deleted. Along with this, the buttons in the menu have also been reworked, so that the player won't have to double tap the same clothing button in order to switch to a different one. We have also added in the option for the player to revert their avatar back to its default.


Other Small Changes

Added a new UI button at the bottom left corner of the screen. As the main menu was getting crowded with new options, this button allows users to quickly access their recordings. The position and shape of the button is inspired by the "gallery" button in the camera app of Android devices.


Loads and saves the users points upon login and logout using the backend server's APIs. 





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